
Important Forms

Access forms for the day-to-day administration of your plans, such as Employee Enrolment and Employee Change forms. These – and many others – are also available within your employee benefits portal.

Annual Student Declaration

To continue coverage on your extended health and/or dental plan beyond age 21 and up to the maximum age on your plan, your child must be:

Unmarried / not living in a common-law relationship, attending school on a full-time basis as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency, or disabled and incapable of sustaining employment. Contact us for instructions.

Employee Enrolment

Use this form to enroll a new employee in your plan.

Employee Change Form

Use this form to update a covered employee’s information. Examples: Add new family members, change names, update salary, terminate coverage, etc.

Amendment to Coverage Status

If you were enrolled for EHC and/or dental and now want to decline coverage because you’ve acquired coverage through another (e.g. spouse’s) plan.

If you declined coverage for EHC and/or dental and now want to enroll because your other coverage terminated.

Beneficiary Designation

  • Designate your beneficiaries for basic life/accidental death and/or optional life/optional accidental death insurance.
  • At the time of initial enrolment, if you want to designate more than three primary beneficiaries.
  • To change your existing beneficiary(ies). The beneficiary(ies) listed here will replace your previous beneficiary designation.

Confirmation of PharmaCare Registration

Complete this form to confirm that you are registered for BC Fair PharmaCare.

What Our Clients Say

  • Being able to offer these types of benefits has been an integral part of us recruiting and retaining employees. It gives me comfort knowing that I have a team of ICBA professionals behind me that not only have my best interests at heart but those of my employees.

    Building LogoLaura StantonAWG Northern Industries