ICBA Wellness Breaking the Stigma around Mental Health
You’ve worked hard to make your job sites and offices physically safe. But creating a truly healthy workplace doesn’t end there. Mental health, physical fitness, and inclusive and respectful workplaces help employees bring their best selves to work every day.
Promoting employee well-being and healthy workplace culture can be challenging. The Mental Health Commission of Canada estimates that mental health issues cost the Canadian economy $51 billion every year – and $20 billion of that cost is borne by Canadian employers. In a given year, 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental health problem.
ICBA’s Workplace Wellness Program is designed to create lasting workplace culture change, with benefits for both employers and employees.
ICBA Wellness is
- Holistic: Addressing diverse, interconnected themes that collectively influence employee well-being.
- Ongoing and inclusive: Companies sign on for a full year, and make the program available to all employees, creating shared momentum that can truly influence workplace culture.
- Informed by expertise: The program was developed and is delivered with the support of leading experts on mental health and other themes.
- Purpose-built: Designed for workers, the program delivers actionable information in easy-to-access and relatable ways.
feel comfortable talking to their employers about mental illness.
Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
1 in 5
experience a mental health problem in any given year.
Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
Per Year
is the cost of mental health problems to the Canadian economy.
Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
Annual Cost
of workers’ mental health problems to Canadian employers.
Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada
Why Make ICBA Your Workplace Wellness Partner

We represent a large segment of the construction industry, and understand your business and your workforce.

With a long track record in benefit services and training delivery, we have extensive and highly-relevant expertise.

We believe in customer service, and have a dedicated Wellness Coordinator on our staff, who will ensure smooth and seamless program onboarding and implementation.
Program materials
Theme-specific materials are delivered monthly in digital formats:
- Overview of theme and resources
- Multiple short educational pieces
- Multiple toolbox talks
- Site posters
- Virtual professional development courses (optional add-on)
- Plus, an engaging, self-paced online course, delivering informative multimedia content, including practical tips and links to other resources.